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Paperback sold here

A Shocking Read

by Milt Marcy


The Emporers Who Had No Clothes

Milt Marcy has investigated the personal lives and writings of evolution’s con-men, and what he uncovered is dirty business, intellectual dishonesty on steroids. The apostle Paul warned that a consequence of rejecting God’s Creatorship is a ‘reprobate mind’ (i.e., a mind that cannot evaluate truth), and Marcy has documented Poster Child illustrations of that divine judgment. Marcy’s research tracks the dishonest pseudo-scholarship of leading evolution champions, including attention to how religious humanism has lent a helping hand to secular humanism, in the crusade to impose evolutionary dogma as the shibboleth of modern culture. James J. S. Johnson, JD, ThD (of the Institute for Creation Research) 

My Books

"Creationists have been waiting for this book, and it was well worth waiting for. Between the covers is an in-depth look at what really caused the widespread acceptance of evolution theory which pervaded the entire spectrum of human thought and philosophy in the 19th century, and which still deceives the world today. Marcy takes us behind the scenes into a world of dark intrigue which many have suspected was there, but for which proofs are often lacking. He doesn't rant or rail against the men involved. On the contrary. He quietly and efficiently hangs them upon their own gallows, delving into hidden correspondences and even into their own ready confessions when these men believed that their words would remain hidden from the general public, a public which they worked so hard to deceive. Marcy lays his foundation well, and what he has excavated will serve Creationists very well for many years to come. I readily give this book the highest commendation." 


Prolific author of the ground breaking book, 
After the Flood, and many other mind-expanding books 

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